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Walking into Movement Diversity

We previously introduced the Liberation Martial Arts (LMA) approach to walking. In this module, we are walking into movement diversity. In a modern settler-colonial capitalist hellscape, our movements are oppressed, alienated, and monotonous. Movement diversity, on the other hand, explores our freedom of movement and reintroduces diverse movements back into our lives. Movement freedom is about actively engaging with your world, your body, and your senses.

Diversity and infinity

In LMA, our exploration or play area is called the "pitch." Designating a physical space helps us navigate and explore safely. In wayfinding (and land-based) terms, the pitch is our territory. It's a way to contain infinity.

What is infinity divided by half? Still infinity. Likewise, infinity within the pitch is still infinity. However, small infinity provides a structure for exploration and creativity, fostering learning. Big infinity is too vast for patterns to emerge, stifling learning. Everything is nothing. Whereas everything within a pitch is materially something.

Wayfinding is your ability to solve the problem of finding your way. Repeating one solution is not the same as the ability to find solutions. Movement diversity is the scaffolding for wayfinding. Wayfinding is a skill, not a memorized solution.

Walking in practice

After introducing LMA walking, I introduce movement diversity bit by bit based on time constraints and what they've already tried. A practitioner's walk can also be self-determined or co-designed.

You can never walk the same way twice, even if you tried. The movement diversity I show in this walk is not exhaustive since what you can do is infinite. These examples are meant for inspiration. The walk evolves with the practitioner and is personal to each individual. You can't walk in someone else's shoes.

Priming plants the seed. Walking waters it.

To access the Liberation Martial Arts curriculum and contribute to the sustainability of this project as my family and I navigate some recent health and financial challenges, consider upgrading your membership. If you've been putting it off, now would be a great time to sign up. Find other ways to support us here. – Sam

The full video is for paid subscribers

Liberation Martial Artist 🥊
Liberation Martial Artist 🥊