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Introduction to LMA at UCI

Special thanks to one of the organizers for providing most of the footage. While the video and sound quality may not be perfect since it comes from a live stream, I have edited and enhanced the sound as much as possible to share with our readers.

I recently ran an introduction to Liberation Martial Arts (LMA) for academic workers on strike at UC Irvine.

First takeaway: One of the academics, a neuroscientist who studies the brain, memory, and learning, asked me what discipline I teach. I explained that LMA is less a discipline and more an approach to learning. When I explained our approach, his eyes lit up, and he kept nodding his head. At the end, he said, "That's exactly how the brain learns!"

Second takeaway: After the class, a group of participants approached me to express their gratitude. They were pleasantly surprised that the class defied their expectations in the best way. As educators and knowledge seekers, they had taken many classes, including movement classes, and noted that none were like this. They said the fact that LMA was radically different is what made it good. They also recognized how LMA concepts could apply beyond martial arts to movement practices, education, and organizing, emphasizing that they hadn't just memorized but deeply learned.

Third takeaway: All the participants who approached me afterward were Black and people of color, and mostly non-men. They shared that LMA felt like it was speaking directly to them. This was the highlight for me because LMA is designed first and foremost for them.

To access the rest of this video and transcript and contribute to the sustainability of this project, consider upgrading your membership. Find other ways to support me here. – Sam

The full video is for paid subscribers

Liberation Martial Artist 🥊
Liberation Martial Artist 🥊