Palestine, Krav Maga, Indigenous Resistance, and Zionist "Self-Defense"
A Liberation Martial Arts Primer on Palestine
Content warning: things discussed are disturbing because the facts about Palestine are disturbing.
On Palestine w/ Palestine Action
[A rebroadcast from June 2022] In this episode of Southpaw, Huda Ammori and AJ from Palestine Action join Sam for an overview of Palestine and how we got to now. They also discuss how Palestine is used as a lab to test weapons, the interconnected web of the weapons and surveillance industry, how the British Empire didn't die but changed roles, how there is no post-violence but only continuous violence for Palestinians, and why arms manufacturers need to be shut down.
On Palestine and Martial Arts w/ Ramy Daoud
[A rebroadcast from July 2022] Palestinian martial artist Ramy Daoud (Phoenix Sports Empire) joins Sam, a Korean martial artist, for a powerful conversation about Palestine, martial arts, "allies," and being orientalized people in the Imperial Core whose countries have been devastated by the West and its allies.
A Jewish Wrestling Coach in Palestine w/ Sam Stein
[A rebroadcast from March 2023] In this episode,
joins host Sam to discuss his unique journey from growing up in an Orthodox Jewish Republican household in the US to becoming a Palestinian solidarity activist and wrestling coach in Palestine. They delve into various topics, including the neoliberalization of wrestling, the ideology of Krav Maga, the impact of privilege on sports, and the myth of the "hungry and poor athlete."Ill Will β β β βGenealogy of Krav Magaβ β
Self Defeβ β nse: A Philosophy of Violence by Elsa Dorlin
Find Sam on Instagram and Twitter @sam_avraham
(I write daily about martial arts and other topics from a liberatory perspective. If you like my work, upgrade your subscription. You can also support me on Patreon or make a one-time donation on Ko-fi. Find Southpaw at its website. Get the swag on Spring. Also check out Liberation Martial Arts Online.)