Liberation Martial Artist 🥊
Liberation Martial Artist 🥊 Podcast
Fighter's Brew – S2: E6 (Audio + LMA Transcript)

Fighter's Brew – S2: E6 (Audio + LMA Transcript)

Yudai faces off against Takashi

In memory of Alexander Buckner.

Transcript and LMA Breakdown

[Note: Read the manga images from right to left. To unlock the transcript, upgrade to paid.]

"In the red corner, from Fighter's Brew, Yudai Kitamura!" the announcer exclaims. "In the blue corner, from Kogure Dojo, Takashi Yamabuki!"

Everyone from Fighter's Brew has their eyes on this match.

The match begins.

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Liberation Martial Artist 🥊
Liberation Martial Artist 🥊 Podcast
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